Terms of service


  1. General – The following Terms of Agreement, hereinafter the Agreement, are governing over all parties engaged with Lodge Lovers, including hosts and guests. Parties agree to engage in the Lodge Lovers community in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 
  2. Violation – Violation of the Agreement may result in a fine, suspension or expulsion from the Lodge Lovers community, or civil action, or criminal charges. 
  3. Amendment – No term of the Agreement may be waived or changed by either party except by written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Lodge Lovers.
  4. Safety 
  5. Harming Yourself or Others – Committing physical or sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, domestic violence, robbery, human trafficking, other acts of violence, or holding anyone against their will is in violation of the Agreement. 
  6. Lodge Lovers is not liable for any crime committed by either guests staying at a Lodge Lovers property, or any host listing their property on Lodge Lovers. Lodge Lovers is committed to working with law enforcement as necessary to respond to valid law enforcement requests. 
  7. Threats – Threatening anyone with words or physical actions is in violation of the Agreement. 
  8. Creating hazardous situations – Hosts are responsible for securing weapons and dangerous animals in addition to mitigating disease risks on their property. Guests are responsible for obtaining the host’s permission prior to bringing a secured weapon on the property. 
  9. Lodge Lovers is not liable for any injuries incurred on property caused by the intentional actions or negligence of another party. 
  10. Discriminatory Behavior – Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, disability, or serious disease is in violation of the Agreement. Further, insulting someone on the above bases is in violation of the Agreement. 
  11. Security
  12. Theft – The taking of someone’s property or use of someone’s property without their permission is in violation of the Agreement. Copying keys to someone’s property, or copying documents with private, or identifying information is also in violation of the Agreement. 
  13. Lodge Lovers is not liable for any property stolen by another party.
  14. Vandalism –Intentional damage to property, or negligence resulting in damage to someone’s property is in violation of the Agreement.
  15. Lodge Lovers is not liable for any property vandalized or any property damaged due to negligence.
  16. Extortion – Remaining in a property after a stay is concluded, threatening anyone with bad ratings, or any other harm to obtain compensation, or promising compensation or other benefits in exchange for positive reviews is in violation of the Agreement.
  17. Spam, phishing, or fraud – Making false claims against other Lodge Lovers’ users, attempting to drive traffic to other sites, or market unrelated products is in violation of the Agreement. Lodge Lovers is only liable for transactions that occur within Lodge Lovers’ payment system. No party should ever be asked to wire funds or to send money to a party outside of Lodge Lover’s booking and communication systems. Any attempt to commit booking fraud, credit card fraud, or launder money is in violation of the Agreement. 
  18. Privacy – Spying on other parties is in violation of this agreement. Cameras are not allowed on a listed property, unless they are previously disclosed to a guest and visible. Cameras are never permitted in bathrooms or sleeping areas. Accessing other parties’ accounts without authorization, or violating other parties’ privacy, copyrights, or trademarks is in violation of the Agreement. 
  19. Insurance – Hosts are required to have property insurance with a short-term rental policy, covering any property listed on Lodge Lovers. Failure to comply is in violation of the Agreement and Lodge Lovers, LLC and associates will not be held liable for damages, injuries, or other liabilities incurred in host's violation of this term. It is the responsibility of the hosts to confirm adequate coverage, maintain the policy, and keep current their insurance with a short-term rental policy.
  20. Misrepresentations – Providing any false information including but not limited to name, date of birth, existence of insurance, or description of property is in violation of the Agreement. Maintaining duplicate accounts, or a user creating an account under the age of 18 is in violation of the Agreement. Hosts must provide accurate location information and descriptions of the listed property, and hosts must maintain correct availability. Leaving fraudulent reviews, engaging in deceptive pricing, or failing to disclose hazards and habitability issues pertaining to the property is in violation of the Agreement. 
  21. Using Lodge Lovers' platform to make off platform reservations is violation of the Agreement. This includes but not limited to:
  22. Contacting guests prior to making reservations on Lodge Lovers to move the reservation off of Lodge Lovers' platform.
  23. Offering discounts to reserve off Lodge Lovers' platform.
  24. Asking guests for contact information to communicate off of Lodge Lovers' platform.
  25. Asking guests to direct reserve off of Lodge Lovers' platform for future travel.
  26. Communicating off platform to seek reviews or feedback from guests on sites other than Lodge Lovers.
  27. Limitations – Guests may not have parties or social gatherings, functions, or other entertainment of outside guests that exceed the maximum occupancy on the listing or use the property for commercial use without the prior approval of a host in writing. Hosts may set their own house rules, so long as house rules are clear and agreed to by the guest at the time of booking. For example, house rules may include quiet hours, pet policy, or maximum occupancy. Hosts must accommodate guests who require the use of a service animal, regardless of house rules. 
  28. Quality – All properties must adhere to certain quality standards including running water, and electricity; unless disclosed to the guest at the time of booking. Hosts are strongly encouraged to provide essential items including one pillow per guest, one bath towel per guest, hand soap, and toilet paper. Failure to provide essential items must be explicit in the property’s listing. Failure to disclose lack of essential items violates the Agreement. 
  29. Cancellation – A guest must cancel a trip before the beginning of his or her stay to receive a refund in accordance with the refund policy the property owner has chosen, unless in extreme circumstances including but not limited to weather, natural disaster, political unrest, or health emergencies. A host may cancel a booking if the property becomes unfit for booking, in which case the guest will receive a full refund. 
  30. Lodge Lovers is not liable for any cancelation on behalf of a guest or host. 
  31. Liability Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless Agreement – All parties agree to indemnify, hold, harmless, release and defend Lodge Lovers, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any liability, claims, damages, fines, penalties, costs, and expenditures (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation defense and settlement) arising out of the failure of a party to comply with the terms of the Agreement. Liability Waiver
  32. Interpretation of Agreement – The Agreement was prepared by Lodge Lovers as a matter of convenience and shall have no import on the construction of the Agreement. Any uncertainty or ambiguity in the Agreement shall not be construed against Lodge Lovers because Lodge Lovers prepared the Agreement in its final form. Any rule of construction that requires ambiguities to be interpreted against the drafter shall not be employed in the interpretation of the Agreement. 
  33. Consent - By using Lodge Lovers' services all parties indicate they have read and accept these terms as legally binding.